As cat owners, we often hear that cats are independent creatures who can take care of themselves. Perhaps the thought has crossed your mind - I have auto feeders, so "Can I leave my cat alone at home for the weekend?"
While it’s true that cats are generally more self-sufficient than dogs, leaving them alone for an entire weekend is not advisable.
1. Health and Safety Concerns
Cats are naturally curious, and their explorative nature can sometimes lead to trouble. Accidents can happen, such as being tangled in wires, knocking over a glass vase and without someone to check on them, minor issues can quickly escalate into serious problems. A cat could get injured, fall ill, or even ingest something harmful. Regular checks ensure that any health concerns are addressed promptly.
As a cat sitter, I have walked into a home with broken flower pots everywhere because the cats decided to chase each other.
2. Lack of Mental Stimulation and Social Interaction
Contrary to popular belief, cats are social animals who thrive on interaction and mental stimulation. A weekend without any human contact can lead to boredom and stress. Behavioral issues such as excessive meowing, anxiety, destructive scratching or inappropriate elimination can arise from prolonged isolation.
3. Food and Water
Automatic feeders and water fountains can help, but they are not foolproof. Malfunctions can occur, and a cat could be left without food or water for an extended period. Fresh food and clean water are essential for your cat’s health, and having someone check in ensures they have access to these necessities.
I have had an experience whereby the condo had a power shut down and the cat was without water till I arrived as the water fountain had shut off. Some feeders have to be powered ON again. Imagine the cat without food and water for 3 whole days!
4. Litter Box Maintenance
Cats are finicky creatures who prefer a clean litter box. If left unattended, a dirty litter box can become a significant source of distress for your cat, potentially leading to litter box avoidance and associated health issues like UTIs (urinary tract infections).
5. Unexpected Emergencies
Unexpected situations can arise at any time, from power trips to health crisis. Having someone to check on your cat ensures that they are safe and that any emergencies are dealt with promptly.
On two separate occasions, I had to rush my client's cats to the vet. 1 required emergency bladder stones removal and 1 required immediate hospitalization. Without someone experienced checking on your cat, it could be fatal.
6. Separation Anxiety
While some cats may seem aloof, many form strong bonds with their owners and can experience separation anxiety. Signs of anxiety include excessive grooming, loss of appetite and destructive behavior. Often, this leads to a change in their overall personality and behavior due to a "traumatic" experience. A weekend without their human companion can be quite stressful for such cats.
What Should I Do?
To ensure your cat’s well-being while you’re away, consider the following options:
1. Pet Sitter:
The Number 1 choice should always be to hire a professional and experienced pet sitter to ensure that your cat receives care and attention while you’re gone. A pet sitter can provide food, water, clean the litter box, play and offer companionship. An experienced individual will also be able to look out for signs of illness and distress.
2. Cat Boarding:
This may be preferred if you are going away for an extended period. I would not recommend this for a weekend as most cats take a minimum1-3 days to acclimatize to a new environment. Do your homework and visit the facilities prior to boarding. Ensure that it is a licensed facility or a trustworthy person.
3. Friends or Family: If professional pet sitting isn’t an option, ask a trusted friend or family member to check on your cat daily. I would only recommend this IF the person is a cat owner themselves, else, they will not be familiar with cat behavior at all.
While it might be tempting to leave your cat alone for a weekend trip, their health, safety and happiness are important. Ensuring that they have human interaction, fresh food, clean water and a clean litter box will keep them content and healthy in your absence. It will also give you peace of mind while you are sipping your Mai Tais!
Downloadable Infographics available on Instagram: @thecatwhisperersg
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