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How to deal with my Attention Seeking Cat?

How to deal with my Attention Seeking Cat

Perhaps you're working from home a couple of days a week, but your cat just won't leave you alone! Now you're probably wondering, "How to deal with my attention seeking cat?"

Let's discuss 6 ways on how to manage and redirect attention-seeking behavior.

1. Putting them on a Fixed Routine:

Cats thrive on routine. They generally function better if they are on a fixed routine as they know what to expect next, due to their circadian rhythm.

Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, playtime & attention. Predictability can help reduce anxiety.

Fixed Playing (Play) - Fixed feeding (Eat) - Settle down for the night (Love) - The Jackson Galaxy Way.

Repeat daily.

2. Ignore Unwanted Behavior:

If your cat is seeking attention by being highly "annoying" (e.g., meowing excessively, constant pawing at you), ignore the behavior! Avoid responding to undesirable with attention, and only engage when your cat is calm and quiet.

By responding to them, even to tell them to Shut Up, you are unknowingly engaging him, which is what he wants. It sends the message - I'll annoy till I get you to pat me.

3. Provide an Enriching Environment:

Your cat is not part of your furniture, instead, they require furniture of their own! YES!

Create cat friendly spaces in your home where your cat can retreat when they need some alone time, or hang out with you. This means toys, cat condos, cat posts, beds, a window hammock, a perch next to your desk - things he can call his own. I've been to too many houses now that barely have anything for their cat except for a litterbox, food bowls and 1 scratch board. (Refer to post: How to Keep Your Cat Stimulated at Home)

4. For Goodness Sake, PLAY with your Cat!:

You MUST set aside time to play with your cat daily. The very fact that your cat keeps bothering you means he is understimulated, bored out of his mind, wants attention & has all this pent up energy that he cannot expel, so what does he do? He annoys you till you give him what he wants! Some attention.

Ensure your cat has plenty of toys & activities to keep him mentally & physically stimulated. When you are busy, bring out a puzzle feeder or an interactive toy to keep him occupied.

5. Spend Quality Time:

Set aside dedicated time each day for interactive play & affection. Engage your cat in activities they enjoy, such as using a feather wand or laser pointer for play. There is a right way to play with your cat, which is to engage him in some stalking fun & keep off your phone or TV while you play with him. Pay full attention to him during play time & cuddle time, and learn to appreciate him for the loving, furry ball of weird that he is.

6. Positive Reinforcement:

Reinforce positive behavior with treats & praise. This works well when there is no free feeding or a buffet of treats for no good reason. When your cat is behaving in a way you appreciate, reward him to encourage those behaviors immediately, so that he is able to associate that he gets something good in return for what he just did.

Downloadable Infographic Below & on our Instagram Page: @thecatwhisperersg

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How to deal with my Attention Seeking Cat


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